Management Consulting

Policies & Procedures

Abbey Management Services will help you to create policies and procedures that work for you and your start-up or small business.  By working with the Owner, we are able to gather the operational details in a concise manner.

Remote & Part-Time Office Manager

We manage projects and help you put a system together for your new or expanding office.  Or if you have a home office, we can work with you remotely.  Technology allows us to use software and apps which expand the ability to work remotely.  Our team comes up with the combination of technology that works best for your company.

Supervision & Project Management

Our team is able to effectively work with your existing staff and provide supervision and human resources.  Or we can assist you in training new hires based on the policies and procedures.

Contract Management for Services

This service is provided based on an hourly cost (not based on percentage).  We will "shop" various contracts for your business, such as telephone, cable, data, furniture, moving companies, and much more.  With this service we provide a comprehensive analysis and contract review and comparison for your office. 

Our firm adapts to your business requirements, providing a concierge service to start up and small businesses.  Our services are fit to meet the needs the various stages of your business.  Either starting out or going through a stage or growth.  Going from a home office expanding to office space over time, expanding to larger offices over time.